What You Need to Know About Excess Flood Insurance

Pricey, private-sector excess flood insurance covers you when a federal flood policy isn’t enough.

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Glossary of Insurance Terms for Homeowners

Decipher your homeowner insurance policy with this easy-to-use glossary of common terms.

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Flood Insurance Rates Going Up? Here’s What to Do

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What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

You’d be surprised at what your home insurance policy doesn’t cover. Here’s what is and isn’t covered by your insurance.

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Surprising Facts About Flood Insurance

The real facts about the National Flood Insurance Program surprise even the most diligent homeowner. Don’t fall for these myths.

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When You Rent a Vacation Home, Insurance Goes with You

Your homeowners insurance policy covers the stuff you take on vacation — unless you’re taking big-ticket items.

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How to Prevent Water Damage

Preventing water damage is a whole lot cheaper than paying for repairs. Here are three easy prevention tips.

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The Right Disaster Insurance for Your Region

The region in which you live dictates what kind of disaster insurance you might need to protect your home from Mother Nature's wrath.

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What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

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Coastal Homeowners Struggle as Insurance Costs Rise Sharply

From Maine to Texas, homeowners living along U.S. coastlines pinched by insurance premium hikes.

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