Which States Offer Sales Tax Holiday for Energy-Efficiency, Hurricane Products?

A handful of states let you skip the sales tax when you buy energy-efficient appliances or hurricane-preparation supplies during tax holiday periods.

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How to Protect Your Home Against Intensifying Weather

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6 Things Every Homeowner Should Know When Harsh Weather Hits

Storms, droughts, heat waves, and wildfires are getting worse because of climate change — and that puts your home at risk. Here’s what to do about it.

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Which States Offer Sales Tax Holiday for Energy-Efficiency, Hurricane Products?

A handful of states let you skip the sales tax when you buy energy-efficient appliances or hurricane-preparation supplies during tax holiday periods.

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How to Protect Your Home Against Intensifying Weather

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6 Ways to Protect Your Home Against Extreme Weather

Storms, droughts, heat waves, and wildfires are getting worse because of climate change — and that puts your home at risk. Here’s what to do about it.

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How to Design Your Landscaping to Protect Against Wildfires and Other Disasters

Great landscaping is more than the pretty face of your home — it can be the first line of defense between you and natural disaster.

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What’s the Difference Between Home Insurance and a Home Warranty?

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Big Flood Insurance Price Hikes Rescinded

Congress agrees Americans shouldn’t face flood insurance bills so big they threaten to cost consumers their homes.

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How Fast Can a Burglar Break In to Your Garage?

A recent video that’s gone viral shows how thieves can break in to your garage in just six seconds. But there are ways to prevent it from happening to you.

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