Now’s the Time for Lawmakers, Real Estate Industry to Secure Future of Homeownership

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The 4 Most Common Mistakes Made When Seeking a Reverse Mortgage

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REALTORS® Advocate Housing Finance System Overhaul that Protects Consumers

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Can Your Facebook Friends Really Influence Your Credit Score?

Recent news reports suggesting your Facebook and other social media friendships could someday influence your credit score left out a few details — like why that’s not going to happen in the U.S.

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Pros and Cons of the 7 Options for a Reverse Mortgage

Reverse mortgages come in different payment options. These examples will help you find the right one for you.

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Home Prices Are Rising: Yea! But That Also Means Higher Costs

With improved equity comes higher costs for property taxes and insurance. Here’s how to manage them smartly.

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Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

A reverse mortgage is a tempting route to take if you’re a cash-strapped senior who owns your home, but this road to riches can be curvy.

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New Rules Make Reverse Mortgage Less Risky — But at a Price

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Good News for Homeowners: Home Equity Up by $148 Billion in 2nd Quarter

The percentage of homeowners underwater is dropping, rebooting equity for many.

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Rules Loosen to Buy a Home After Foreclosure, But Lenders May Balk

New rules let you get back into homeownership sooner after foreclosure — in theory. Will lenders play along?

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