California Residents Recover from Foreclosure to Buy Houses Again

Families fight to become home owners again just three years after they experience foreclosure.

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Tax Credits for Solar Water Heaters

A federal tax credit makes energy-efficient solar water heaters a more affordable and sustainable option for many homeowners.

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IRS Will Start Processing Tax Returns Late This Year

The IRS won’t be ready to process returns from home owners filing for energy tax credits until the end of February or beginning of March.

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Mortgage Rates Retreat

The 30-year fixed mortgage rate averaged 3.60% this week.

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Feds Finalize Protections for Mortgage Borrowers

New governmental regulations will protect home owners from unexpected fees.

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New Mortgage Rules Have Mixed Impact Locally

New consumer protection rules ban risky mortgage loans.

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You Might Face Tax-Filing Delay This Year

In a rush to claim the home owner tax benefits Congress reinstated? Not so fast. The IRS isn't ready to accept your tax returns.

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Number of Bank-Owned Foreclosures Falls Nationally

Banks take back fewer homes thanks to big mortgage settlement and federal refinance programs for underwater home owners.

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Tips for Investing a Tax Refund in Your Home

HouseLogic talks to CPA Alan D. Kahn, who offers tips for investing a tax refund in your home based on where you are in life — and with your house.

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Foreclosure-Abuse Pact Draws Skepticism

Consumer advocates say latest foreclosure deal favors banks over former home owners.

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