Tightening Home Mortgage Rules Could Hurt Home Owners, Buyers

Forcing home buyers to have a 20% downpayment could hurt the housing market.

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Investment Firms Buying Up Florida Foreclosures

Home buyers get beaten out of deals by big investors in Florida.

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Fast Foreclosures Help Home Prices

Home prices rise quicker in state where foreclosure is faster.

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Real Estate Investors Gamble on Homes Foreclosed Upon by Community Associations

When community associations foreclose on home owners who don’t pay their dues, real estate investors seize opportunities to cash in.

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How to Deduct Your Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premiums

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6 Tips on Buying, Renting a Home for Extra Income

Are you ready to invest in a rental property?

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Fewer U.S. Homes Started on Foreclosure Path in January

The pace of new foreclosures falls back to pre-boom levels.

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How to Get Your PMI Deduction

Deducting PMI premiums can save you hundreds of dollars. Here’s what you need to know to get the deduction.

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Mortgage Rates Little Changed

The 30-year mortgage interest rate holds steady.

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Obama Urges Congress to Help Home Owners Refinance

Proposed bill would get rid of roadblocks stopping home owners from refinancing into lower-rate mortgages.

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