Researchers Find Gender Bias in Joint Home Loan, Refinancing Approvals

When the man is listed first on a couple's joint mortgage application, it's more likely to be approved.

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Mortgage Hoops: The Days of Easy Loans are Over

It’s tougher than ever to get a mortgage to buy or refinance a home.

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Mortgage Rates Hold Steady Ahead of Jobs Report

Fixed mortgage rates remained below 4% this week.

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Home is Where the Tax Breaks Are: 7 Tips

Tax benefits for home owners add up.

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Early Findings Emerge from Abandoned Independent Foreclosure Review Program

Foreclosure review finds banks made plenty of errors.

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Is Your Credit Score Telling the Truth About You?

Find out what credit bureaus are saying about you.

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Brandeis Study Finds Early Home Ownership Key to Wealth Building

Racial wealth gap created in part because white families typically buy homes nearly a decade before African-American families.

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Foreclosure Deal to Deliver $3.6B in Cash to Home Owners

Consumer advocates say banks getting off too easy in reworked foreclosure settlement.

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Who’s Winning in the National Mortgage Settlement?

Big banks get settlement credit for writing off losses rather than helping consumers stay in their homes.

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Mortgage Interest Rates Hold Steady

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