Adding a Fireplace to an Existing Home

A fireplace is a popular home feature, but if you want to add one, don’t expect a significant return on your investment.

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If You Were Selling Today, Would You Have the Home That Buyers Want?

Knowing what appeals to today’s homebuyers, and considering those trends when you remodel, can pay off years from now when you sell your home.

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10 Great Value-Add Exterior Paint Job Tips

If you’re going to paint your house, make sure you choose a color scheme that has lasting curb appeal.

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Biggest Remodeling Lessons Learned by DIYers

It’s nice to know that even these seasoned home DIYers have had some coulda-woulda-shoulda moments. Here’s what they can teach us.

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What’s the No. 1 Thing People Want in Their Bathroom?

Bathroom exhaust fans make air smell (much!) sweeter, paint last longer, and mold grow slower — or not at all. If you don't have one, you're missing out.

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The 9 Elements of an Ideal House

If you had to describe the perfect house, what would it look like? We start with nine features that make a home the most livable and enjoyable, while also adding value.

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Shoddy Remodeling Jobs — And How to Fix Them

A little planning and know-how will help you avoid these common contractor (or, oops, DIY) mistakes.

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Smart Takeaways from Award-Winning Remodels

These top-notch winners combine great style with everyday practicality.

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Don’t Fall Victim to this Most Common Remodeling Mistake

There’s a reason for the proverb "measure twice, cut once," and these pictures prove it. If you double-check your measurements, you can avoid common, and sometimes costly to fix, clearance mistakes.

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Your Home’s Unsung Hero — The Closet

Closets get a bad rap: too small, too cluttered, never as perfect as we want them to be. It’s time to recognize the value they add (and get some savvy organizing tips).

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