Are Smart Meters Dangerous?

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Condo Owners Win Secondhand Smoke Case

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'Active' House Blends Old- and New-Style Energy Efficiency

"Active" construction blends energy efficiency, healthy indoor air, and designs that make the most of sun, shade, and breezes.

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Homes in Neighborhoods with Protected Open Space Bringing Higher Sale Prices

Study shows conservation areas help developers see green.

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Utility Meters are Getting 'Smart' — and Chatty

Smart meters pass along all sorts of information about you.

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Tips for Choosing the Right Water Heater

Modern water heating options lower costs, improve efficiency.

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Tips for Choosing the Right Water Heater

Modern water heating options lower costs, improve efficiency.

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Mom Takes on Smart Meters Over Privacy, Health Concerns

Chicago home owner willing to be arrested to keep utility company from installing smart meter on her home.

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Best Indoor Plants for Cleaning the Air

These winners — some NASA approved! — are easy care and suck up yucky VOCs in indoor air.

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Court: Energy Rule Not Needed for Faux Fireplaces

Court tells DOE gas log fireplaces designed for show, not as heaters, don’t need energy efficiency standards.

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