Which Homemade Dishwasher Soap Recipe is Best?

Making your own dishwasher soap saves money and helps the planet. We tried a few recipes to see which works best.

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Home Owners Like to Think They’re Green

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What You Don't Know About Using Salvaged Materials

Love the idea of using salvaged building materials? So do we, but here’s some common-sense advice on using them smartly to enhance your home’s value.

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Owners of Energy-Efficient Homes One-Third Less Likely to Default on Mortgage

Home energy efficiency helps reduce utility bills, making it less likely you can’t pay your mortgage.

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Earn Tax Credits for Home Energy-Efficiency Upgrades

If you installed energy-efficient doors or windows, you may qualify for a tax credit.

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Cleaning Survey Reveals Consumers’ ‘Dirty’ Little Secrets

Survey finds 72% of households spring clean every year.

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Create a Greener Outdoor Living Space

Environmentally friendly landscaping products make your yard — and you — green.

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Opinion: 'Smart' LED Bulbs Pricey, Too Much Trouble

Would you pay $200 to be able to use your phone as a light switch?

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How to Keep Your House Cool Without AC

Want summer comfort but hate the AC? Follow these tips, and you’ll keep your house cool without frosty air conditioning.

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The Neglected Home Repair That Can Cost You $100 or More a Year

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