5 Unexpected Places Mold Can Hide in Your Home

Mold is sneaky. To find it, check in these unusual places that provide mold with the water and food it needs to grow.

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Repair or Replace Your Old Windows?

Repair is usually the smarter way to go — especially if you’re seeking energy savings. Here’s a guide to help you decide.

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How to Win the Energy-Savings Argument in 3 Easy Steps

Trying to convince someone to save energy requires a bit of due diligence — we’ll show you how to win that argument every time.

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How to Use a Programmable Thermostat to See Real Savings

A programmable thermostat can help you rake in the energy savings, but there’s a hitch: You’ve got to pick one you’ll actually use.

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Take Back Your Energy Bills — Energy-Efficiency Measures that Work for You

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Power-Hungry Devices Use $70 Billion in Energy Annually

We could save as much power as Argentina uses in a year if we all upgraded our electronic devices to more efficient models.

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How to Reduce Your Water Heater’s Energy Use

Easy and cheap ways to make your water heater more energy efficient.

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NYC Wants Homeowners to Compost Food Scraps

New Yorkers recycling their food scraps could save the city $100 million a year and keep 1.2 million tons of waste out of landfills.

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Green Ways to Beautify Your Home

Thrifty tips for greening your home.

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Think Outside the Fuse Box: Unique Energy-Saving Home Improvements

Three projects to tweak your home’s energy efficiency.

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