Now’s the Time for Lawmakers, Real Estate Industry to Secure Future of Homeownership

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If You Were Selling Today, Would You Have the Home That Buyers Want?

Knowing what appeals to today’s homebuyers, and considering those trends when you remodel, can pay off years from now when you sell your home.

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Can One Home Insurance Claim Bump Up Your Annual Premium?

Depending on where you live, filing even one claim can push your annual insurance premium up 20%.

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Home Prices Rise in Most Metro Areas in 2013

Median home prices are up nearly 13% from last year.

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Fantastic Features and Energy Savers You'll Have in Your Next Home

With whiz-bang insulation and edible walls, a recently completed homebuilding contest aims to bring great new ideas to our next generation of houses.

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Can Your Facebook Friends Really Influence Your Credit Score?

Recent news reports suggesting your Facebook and other social media friendships could someday influence your credit score left out a few details — like why that’s not going to happen in the U.S.

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Home Prices Are Rising: Yea! But That Also Means Higher Costs

With improved equity comes higher costs for property taxes and insurance. Here’s how to manage them smartly.

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New Rules Make Reverse Mortgage Less Risky — But at a Price

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The World’s First Solar-Powered Laundry Dryer

The only thing more energy efficient than this tumble dryer is a clothesline.

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Is Now the Time for Solar Panels for All? Ikea Thinks So

The retailer plans to sell solar panel systems at its U.K. stores. Is the U.S next?

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