
Tips for Your Move

Clean House.

The first rule of moving is get rid of unnecessary clutter. That way, you won’t have to find a place for those rarely used items in your new home. Host a garage sale or donate goods to a local charity.
Take an Inventory.
Things are so harried during a move; it’s easy to lose track of the stuff that’s coming and going. Protect your possessions by creating a home inventory. Take snapshots or create a written list of your belongings, and make sure your insurance covers your move.
Cancel and Re-order.
Don’t forget to tell your utility providers (telephone, gas, electric, water, etc.) and other services that you’re moving. Proper planning ensures that you won’t be paying for services you’re not using.

Be “Mover Friendly”

If you’re using a professional moving company, make yourself available to answer questions during loading and unloading. Review the home inventory paperwork and make sure the driver has your contact information and details of your delivery.

Be Safe.

Whether you’re hiring professionals or moving yourself, remove all rugs, low hanging items and tripping hazards. Keep walkways clear at all times. Arrange a baby-sitter for very young children, and make sure pets are away from loading and unloading.

Know What You’re Packing.

Label boxes in detail, including contents and the room in which they belong. This will save time and questions for you and your movers.
Pack an Essentials Box.

When you arrive at your new home, your moving day survival kit will be the first thing you unpack. In it, you’ll want to include items like an alarm clock, toiletries and a change of clothes.
Know What NOT to Pack.

Certain items are never packed. Lighter fluid, pesticides and paint thinner are a few that professional movers won’t touch. Others should never leave your side. Valuables such as cash, jewelry and important documents should stay with you.
Check and Double Check.
Before the moving van leaves, make sure everything is loaded or unloaded. Review your home inventory. If something is damaged during the move, take a photo, and notify your moving company immediately.
Keep Smiling!
Moving can be manageable with the right attitude and thoughtful preparation. It will all be over soon, and there’s no need to rush unpacking. Throw yourself a housewarming party, and meet your new neighbors.